Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Thoughts

I haven't written in awhile and have had some people ask if anything new has happened. As of right now, not yet... We'll be sending out some paperwork for our home study and a check tomorrow and are hoping to begin that process soon. Otherwise, no new news on the adoption journey!

We celebrated Thanksgiving a few days ago and had a wonderful day with our family! This weather is definitely going to take some getting used to! Where we're from, we're used to Thanksgiving usually being cold and having to bundle up in coats! On Thursday it was in the mid 80's and we could wear shorts and t-shirts! We spent Friday getting a Christmas tree (we get real ones and will hopefully continue doing so - we absolutely love the tradition of picking one out as a family; not to mention the wonderful aroma they make!) and decorating the house on Saturday. It was an absolutely wonderful family weekend, which is something we've really needed...

Despite it being wonderful, I couldn't help but think all weekend of our precious little boy or girl thousands of miles away... Wondering if he (did I tell you that I think it will be a boy and that I had a dream about him?) is born yet and if he is, what would he be doing at this time? My heart ached, thinking that he is all alone, without his mommy or daddy and most likely with very little food... And here we were, enjoying our day with lots of our family surrounding us, eating a huge feast of food... Oh, how I SO wish he could be here in our home celebrating Thanksgiving with us, eating until his little heart (or tummy) is content! I don't know why, or even how, I ache for and love a child so much - one that I don't even know or have never even met! It's just incredible how God can put that love in my heart... All I know is that I absolutely canNOT wait until he is here with us.... And I pray (although it's very unlikely) that maybe, by some chance, he will be here for next year's Thanksgiving or Christmas.

I hope you all had an amazing holiday weekend! Also, just to let you know, you can still pre-order tshirts (for more info, just scroll down to look at some earlier posts) that we're selling as a fundraiser to raise money for the adoption. I planned on ordering them last Monday, but because of Thanksgiving, the company was closed for the whole week. So if anyone else wants to get an order in, please contact me at or via facebook! :) I'll hopefully be placing the order tomorrow!

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