This past weekend was Ethiopian Christmas! I started this at the airport on Saturday and have been so busy I haven't gotten to finish it). Usually I try to write a blogpost on holidays and if you've checked our blog lately, you'll see that I (or Michael rather) haven't posted since Thanksgiving, meaning I missed writing on Christmas and New Years...
Christmas Eve is usually celebrated excitedly with lots of baking and preparing for the following day, then venturing out to our Christmas in the Park service by the harbor that evening, nearing an end to the evening with hot cocoa and driving around looking at Christmas lights, and finally finishing the night by falling asleep as a family by the Christmas tree. This year was different. Much different. Christmas Eve was spent up in Indiana, surrounded by lots of family for my father's funeral service. Seriously, THE hardest thing I've ever gone through... Never would I have imagined this happening. Never would I have imagined having to tell my daddy goodbye when I'm just 25 years old (I swore he'd live until I was a grandma myself!). Never would I have imagined that he would not get to see our precious Ethiopian child of who he already seemed to love, without even knowing him/her! He was a HUGE supporter of our adoption... Never would I have imagined that I'd be holding my mom's hand on Christmas Eve wishing, hoping, and praying that it was all a dream... While I find comfort and know without a doubt, that he is in a much better place and have no uncertainty that he is rejoicing our Lord and Savior in heaven, it's been a difficult time for me and my family...
I've always been a daddy's girl. Daddy was my "hero" as a little girl. Growing up, he taught me SO much. From how to put worms on a hook and take the fish off by myself to woodworking, electricity, changing the oil in a vehicle and driving a 5 speed. From mathematics to God. From how to raise a family to good, Godly values... Honestly, there's too much to write! Needless to say, he was an amazing, Godly man with an awesome gift of singing, a heart to help absolutely anyone, and a huge love for his family...
Together, my mom and dad taught me what a good marriage should be like and what true unconditional love is. You see, my Dad began the battle of Alzheimer's not too long ago. He was "normal" for awhile and just 7 months ago, he fell and broke his hip. From that moment, he went from a man who could do just about anything to quickly declining, unable to do many things on his own, to eventually passing away on December 20. My mom showed the epitome of unconditional love. She held true to her vows. She could have easily said "This is too hard! I can't do this," and simply given up. Instead, she visited my dad in the nursing home almost every single day, helping in any way she could. She sat with him for hours, fed him when he became unable to eat on his own, helped take care of him in anyway needed and loved him, even when he did not know who she was... This, THIS is what unconditional love is. As I told my mom last week, she loved and took care of him, even when he could do absolutely nothing in return. Sadly, not many women are willing to do this anymore these days... I am thankful that my mom is one of the few that are. I am proud that she is my mom and I am hopeful that I can be that same way and love my husband so unconditionally.
God's love for all of us is unconditional. He loves us SO much, regardless of what we do or how often we fail. He loves us, even when we don't know Him. As it says in John 3:16, "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life." He sent Jesus Christ, as a precious baby boy. This was God's gift to the world a couple thousand years ago. <--- THIS. This is why we celebrate Jesus. This is what Christmas (or Genna) is all about! It's Jesus. It's love. It's His unconditional love. It's not the presents! It's not the decorations! It's not the cookies or the abundant amounts of food. It's Him....
While Christmas didn't necessarily "feel" like Christmas to much of my family, it was kind of interesting. To not have presents. To not have all the usual things we do for Christmas. This Christmas, we focused on God. We went to church. We heavily leaned on Him to get us through the day. We spent much needed time with our family. We prayed. We thanked Him for the blessings, despite the rough time we were having. <-- THIS. This is what Christmas should be like every year. We should have our focus on Him and Him alone... It's all about JESUS! While we do Christmas a lot different than other families, already, this next Christmas will be even more different... Even more focused on the real reason...
Please continue to pray for my family and my mom. Since getting back home, reality is really settling in for me and I've had several rough days... There are so many things that make me think of Daddy, which is hard, but then again, I'm thankful that I have so many memories of him and know that that alone is a blessing...
(P.S. No real update adoption wise! Still waiting. And waiting. And waiting...)